Specialist training
Manchester Women's Aid provide specialist training programmes to corporates and the VCSE sector to further people's understanding of this otherwise hidden subject.

Specialist training programmes
Please email Lauren Maile-Wilson
if you'd like more info and to book our specialist training.
Domestic Abuse Awareness Training
This training provides an understanding of the definitions and scope of domestic abuse. Through exploring key signs and indicators you will gain an increased awareness of both victim and perpetrator behaviours. Further understanding of the impact of domestic abuse on victims will be developed as well as increased knowledge of the dynamics which take place in domestic abuse. You will also learn some basic skills on assessing risk for both the victim and children and where to seek help from when domestic abuse is a concern.
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma informed approach
This training will help you increase your awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact trauma and adversity can have on body and brain development. Your understanding of the stress response system will be enhanced, and we will explore how you can build resilience with those you work with. You will also learn more about how to adopt a trauma informed approach in your practice.
Professional boundaries
This training will develop your awareness of healthy professional and personal boundaries and why these are important for both staff and client safety. You will share and develop strategies to be able to set and maintain boundaries that are in alignment with our policies and your job role whilst applying your professional judgment. You will also explore the connection between healthy boundaries and self-care and how they can both support your practice.
Assessing risk
This training is co-designed and delivered by Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVAs) in the organisation and aims to develop your confidence in identifying and managing risk. As part of this training, you will learn how to utilise the DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour Based Violence) RIC (Risk Identification Checklist) form to better support and understand the needs of your clients and assess the current level of risk. You will develop your ability to ask a range of questions to gather the information required while also ensuring your clients feel heard and validated. You will also gain a thorough understanding of the MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference) process and how to refer.
handling difficult conversations
This training is part of a series of short focus sessions aimed at looking at specific topics in depth. In this session you will learn and test specific tools and techniques to handle difficult conversations that will increase your confidence for the management and prevention of distressed behaviour.
Safety planning
This session, co-produced and co-facilitated by our IDVAs, builds on Assessing and Managing Risk training and enhances your knowledge and skills around Safety Planning. You will learn techniques to enquire and identify safety steps and practices using person-centred and trauma informed approaches.
Bespoke training
If you like the look of our training programmes but you'd like something more bespoke - online or in person - and you'd like to consult our training officer, Lauren Maile-Wilson, please email

A dialogue-based intervention aimed at supporting personal and social development of boys and young men.