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Women's Drop-In

The women’s drop-in at the Pankhurst Centre on a Wednesday from 12-2 pm welcomes women of all ages and backgrounds.

Feminist craft


The women’s drop-in at the Pankhurst Centre on a Wednesday from 12-2 pm welcomes women of all ages and backgrounds.

It’s your chance to pop in, free of charge, to a relaxed, friendly environment to meet new friends and have fun.

As well as a delicious and nutritious vegetarian lunch, you can enjoy wellbeing workshops, creative activities and talks and discussions.

There is a family law advice clinic on alternate weeks and a Shelter and Housing Benefits adviser once a month.

Our kind staff and volunteers are ready to give you a warm welcome – see you soon!

Email or call our referral line on 0161 660 7999 for more information.


Please see what's on this month and for any questions email 

Drop In September 2024


The women’s drop-in was recommended to me, and I was optimistic about coming and I can say it’s been a place where I can be myself and people won’t judge or criticise me. 

I really appreciate this place where I can just forget my anxiety and worries for two hours and be with other women who care about each other. It’s a chance to listen to other women and realise I’m not on my own. 

The drop-in has helped me enormously and given me hope. I don’t dread the future anymore. 

When I have a day when I’m feeling low, and want to isolate myself from the world, I go to the Wednesday drop-in and it makes me feel better and ready to handle the rest of the day.

Drop-in means being in a safe, calm, happy, fun environment with wonderful women supporting each other. 

I make friends and feel comfortable in a space I don’t feel on edge. 


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