Physical abuse

Physical abuse involves violence towards an intimate partner or family member and can consist of:
Physical abuse IS CRIMINAL
It can also involve physically intimidating behaviour such as damaging property and showing use of force by kicking doors, smashing furniture or stopping you from leaving a room. This behaviour is criminal and can lead to permanent injuries or death. In the UK, two women a week are killed by a partner or ex-partner.
Physical assaults might not occur all the time, but they create an atmosphere of fear in the survivor and the survivor is on constant high alert. They can often be used in conjunction with other types of abuse such as emotional abuse, put downs and economic abuse in order to keep the person dependent on the abuser and stuck in a cycle of fear and intimidation.
Physical or any type of abuse is completely unacceptable and criminal, and everyone has the right to a safe environment.

In the UK, two women a week are killed by a partner or ex-partner.
If you’re in immediate danger, please always call 999. If it’s not urgent but you do need to refer to our service, please call 0161 660 7999.