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A reflection on the 16 Days of Activism opening event at MMU

Jade mmu

A reflection on the 16 Days of Activism opening event at MMU by Jade Jeffrey, Project Manager at ADViSE

On 25th November, author of ‘Everyday Sexism’ Laura Bates, Dr Malika Booker and Dr Kim Moore and I shared stories, book extracts, poetry and survivor testimonies as part of MMU’s 16 Days of activism programme. The atmosphere at the event was very moving, beginning with poetry sharing addressing some of the many issues women face navigating everyday life.

I spoke of the vital work we do at Manchester Women’s Aid, particularly in the health teams which are ideally situated to identify victim/survivors by recognising the health impacts associated with domestic and/or sexual violence/abuse. Our teams extend across sexual health clinics, GP surgeries and midwifery, and provide training and consultancy to clinicians in addition to 1:1 work with patients. I shared a brave survivor testimony of a service user who had suffered domestic abuse and secondary victimisation at the hands of the Criminal Justice System. Laura Bates spoke of her Everyday Sexism project, specifically addressing women’s experiences of blame after victimisation. I dissected the notion that women are held accountable for their own victimisation, as either provoking it or not doing enough to prevent it, and how organisations such as Manchester Women’s Aid are vital for ensuring that survivors feel believed and supported.

The audience were engaging and interested in hearing all about the work we do at Manchester Women’s Aid and were keen to know how they can be part of the change. I was asked about the most rewarding time in my career at MWA and spoke of the journey we go on with our clients to support them into safety and empowerment. The event concluded with a reflection of the topics covered in the session, with a big thank you for all who attended and engaged. We had attendees across all networks, from nurses to students and journalists. I am hopeful that the conversation of women’s rights and violence prevention will extend beyond the four walls of MMU and into a range of spaces where they will be addressed as priority.


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